1.A brief introduction about ancient world
Since ancient times people were more concerned to know everything, but were not satisfied just to study phenomena such land and wanted to conquer the sky. Studing the sky was necesary because in ancient, astronomy was connected to religion, for example Stonehege, Egyptian Pyramids (each one pyramides are aligned by a star: Centaurus, Sirius and Canopus), Machu Picchu and more.
Still studying the sky, people started to be preoccupied with other things and not only the link between space an religion, they began to put all sorts of question: how planets form? why do planets move? have influence on us? can predict these effects and read the future with planets? THIS IS THE MAYAN CALENDAR
2.About the Moon
a.Although there were many theories about the birth of the moon, but one is the most plausible theory of fission, by this theory, the Moon formed from material thrown into space by Earth's collision with a body as large as Mars
b.The various stages of the hypothetical
fission of the Moon by the Earth still fluid.
According to recent data, however, fission would
be produced due to the impact with a body mass.
c.According to the hypothesis of growth,
and the Moon formed separately from Earth,
with the aggregation of material in orbit around our planet
3.The Solar Sistem
The Solar System was born from a primordial nebula.The planetary
primordial particles began to form from rotating disk surrounding the protosun.
The temperature
at the center began to grow,
reaching values so high as to trigger
nuclear reactions, allowing the sun to
start its activities.
Once trained, not all the planetesimals
formed a large body, so rocky and metallic
ones not enlarged and thus constitutes the
asteroids and the clump of ice forming nuclei
of comets.
The first was nebula protosolar,
then entering the rotation, the nebula is crushed
to form a disk and finally began to form planets.
The first bodies formed in the nebula, vary in size from several kilometers to several hundred, are called planetesimals, it was masses of irregular shape that did not have sufficient gravity to become spherical
The cover forming planetesimals are gathering ever larger, to the planets. When the planets primordial reach sufficient mass assume spherical shape. As the molten state, heavier materials like iron, fall toward the center. Around the planets in training are created by small disks of dust which will form the satellites. The primordial atmosphere were very different from those of today. Most of the gas was certainly produced by volcanic eruptions in the case of Earth, were originally steam, hydrogen, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen.
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